How We Do?

How We Do?

PHASE 1 “Localize and adapt the curricula and learning materials “: Thru this phase  the partners will analyse the existing developments in terms of competency profile, existing training programs and national standards for bee products science and APITHERAPY to alternative medicine in Europe.. Based on the findings we will develop a list of competencies and learning outcomes, connected to basic topic areas that will finally formulate individual modules and a full curriculum for bee products science and APITHERAPY

The activity will track the following steps:

  • Collection and evaluation of existing competency profiles, qualification standards, training programme and curricula from different countries, taking particular account of examples that already have a transnational focus
  • Creation of a first curriculum draft to be drawn up on this basis
  • Discussion of the draft at a workshop.
  • Revision of the curriculum modules for the subsequent test phase.

PHASE  2 “Development of APITHERAPY  course and web-portal”: The aim of this phase is to develop the APITHERAPY course and web-portal, adapt and localize the curricula and learning materials and if needed design new materials. Design of the web-portal and e-learning environmentIntegration of course, localization of curricula and materials according to the needs of the partners involved. Production of a draft handbook. Production and integration of additional learning resources. Development of a model course on the e-learning platform.

PHASE  3 “Validations, demonstrations, adaptations”: The aim of this phase is to validate the APITHERAPY course, materials and the web-portal, with different user groups and following the feedback improve the systems and materials.

Validation and demonstration sessions and workshops in all partner countries, delivery of model course in all partner countries Delivery of a European model course facilitated by experts from each partner in partners country. The moderated online courses are open for all, peer review by representatives from all target groups, adaptations of the web-portal, the curriculum, the handbook, continuous integration of further resources into the portal.