- Collection of existing competency profile and propose a full curriculum for bee products science and Apitherapy The collection will be based around existing information on Beekeeping and Apitherapy . The main focus of the collection will be to find existing competency profile for Apitherapy . The information should be simple, of adapted into a simple form, include more graphics than text in order to be more accessible, and be composed of practical advice and guides. The collection should produce a massive amount of information that would be reduced and selected in the final phase of the activity. This reduced version creates the collection report. Based on the findings we will develop a list of competencies and learning outcomes, connected to basic topic areas that will finally formulate individual modules and a full curriculum for bee products science and Apitherapy.
- Checking workshop. Each partner will organize one workshop with experts in beekeeping and apitherapy to analyze the first version of the curriculum. In each workshop will participate up to 10 beekeepers and experts in Apitherapy.
- Curriculum modules for the test phase. Considering the workshops report , and taking in consideration the experts the point of view, the consortium will elaborate the curriculum modules for the test phase..The Curriculum modules will be the base for the on-line course and will be tested through a workshop.
- Open on-line course/web-portal. European APITHERAPY portal course will be a e-learning environment with adapted curriculum , learning materials and integration of course according to the needs of the partner country involved. The platform will be free and easy to use, have open access to anyone interested, and downloading all training materials will only require the introduction of an e-mail address.
- APITHERAPY Handbook. European APITHERAPY handbook- Concise and usable APITHERAPY production handbook with methodologies to implement innovative workshops with mind-mapping and creativity tools, a methodology to teach and learn on line and involve the learners successfully through moderating techniques, monitoring and constancy strategies, example how to implement, adapt and localize the courses for different target groups. The handbook will be given a pleasant and easy to use format which is modular and allows for easy modification and adaptation.
- Validation Workshops. The aim of the workshop is to validate the Apitherapy course, materials and the web-portal, with different user groups and following the feedback improve the systems and materials.The final product will be the “APITHERAPY package as European model”
- APITHERAPY European model. This activity aims to properly disseminate the results and processes of the project and achieve their sustainability in the long-term, which can only be achieved by starting dissemination procedures from the very beginning of the project. As the dissemination team shares the project website with the online training tool, they need to be in constant collaboration. The dissemination team will have several pages of their one unrelated to the training materials.
- APITHERAPY package – validation and multiplier workshop. The final product will be the “APITHERAPY package as European model” Each partner will organise the validation workshop with experts in beekeeping and apitherapy. A trainer specialized in beekeeping and apitherapy will organise and moderate de validation workshop.